Krista Ramsey
606 Spruce Lane
McMurray, PA 15317
Newsletters, blogs, case studies, websites, email, white papers, social posts, ads—collaborating to develop cross-functional content that aligns with business objectives is my specialty.

This video appeared on United Concordia Dental’s (owned by Highmark Health) website. I was instrumental in ideating the script, securing and interviewing the subject, and coordinating the shoot on location. I also wrote the accompanying story.
Can Your Dentist Save Your Life?
Jeff's Story | United Concordia
Could your dentist save your life? For Jeff Moyers, the answer was yes. The day Jeff Moyers walked into his dentist’s office, he never expected anything other than a routine cleaning and check-up—and maybe a nudge to visit more often, since he hadn’t been there in a few years. Instead, he got an urgent wake-up call. At that time, Jeff had just moved to a new city and was busy with life in general, so his dental visits had veered off track. His wife had noticed some tooth discoloring and not-so-great breath, so at her urging he decided he needed to schedule an appointment. During his cleaning, the hygienist casually asked, “How long have you had diabetes?” Shocked, Jeff replied, “I don’t!” But his red swollen gums, dry mouth and excessive plaque told a different story. After Jeff’s check-up, the dentist agreed that he exhibited the telltale signs of diabetes and urged him to see his doctor. It’s not uncommon for a hygienist or dentist to be the first one to detect chronic conditions such as diabetes, as oral examinations can reveal signs and symptoms of more than 90% of systemic diseases.* Although the idea of having diabetes initially hit Jeff “over the head like a hammer,” it didn’t sound out of the question. He’d been tired and sluggish, gaining weight and having trouble seeing. “I’d been drinking two to three sodas a day, eating whatever I wanted and not exercising,” he said. “I was definitely neglecting my body and my health.” Diabetes also runs in his family, and he remembered his parents always discouraging his voracious sweet tooth. “I’m the type who avoids the doctor unless I’m sick,” Jeff said. “But I figured I’d better go get things checked out and scheduled an appointment.” After relaying the dentist’s suspicion about diabetes, the doctor ordered an A1C, a simple blood test that shows average blood glucose (sugar) level. Jeff’s worst fears were confirmed – not only did he have diabetes—his off-the-charts blood sugar level, high blood pressure and high cholesterol level put him at risk of having a massive heart attack within months. “He told me that I was lucky I had scheduled an appointment because the direction I heading in wasn’t taking me anywhere good. This was a serious wake-up call, and I immediately took action to improve my health,” said Jeff. Armed with a prescription for a new medication and a healthier lifestyle, Jeff began to make some aggressive changes. In addition to eating healthier and exercising more often, he practices better oral hygiene at home, using an electric toothbrush and water flosser, and gets his teeth cleaned more often. “I wanted to move in the right direction, so I do what I can to keep my health in check,” he said. “After taking medication for a few months, I noticed a significant improvement in my vision and started to feel better.” After a few years walking a healthier path, Jeff’s diabetes is under control. As a Sales Executive for United Concordia Dental, Jeff now knows all about the importance of dental checkups and cleanings. He often tells his story to others to stress the importance of oral health. “Sometimes people look a little bored, but when I tell them about what happened to me, they perk up and start paying attention. I tell them you only have one body, so treat it well,” he said. “If I can help people think about their health in a different way, my story serves a greater purpose. My dentist basically saved my life.” Learn more about oral health and diabetes. If you have diabetes and your dental plan offers our Smile for Health–Wellness® program, you can get more coverage for periodontal services you may need. *vans CA, Kleinman DV, Maas WR, et al. Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General (Executive Summary). US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health; 2000. Accessed October 1, 2019. Jeff Moyers has been a Sales Executive for United Concordia since 2018 and has more than 25 years of industry experience, working on both the carrier and broker sides of the business. He currently resides in a suburb of Minneapolis, MN with his wife and son. In his spare time, Jeff enjoys the outdoors and coaching and watching his son play baseball. He also enjoys woodworking and collecting vinyl records..